Who Will You Become? A Spiritual Wake-up Call for the Unfaithful (E-Book)

Who Will You Become? A Spiritual Wake-up Call for the Unfaithful (E-Book)


Do you or someone you know need motivation to pull out of an affair and salvage a marriage? This is a book that will bring comfort to the betrayed and motivation for the unfaithful.

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Over the years Linda has helped many people whose families were destroyed by a spouse’s or parent’s affair. In reconstructing what happened, she has noticed that the carnage reverberates for generations, often with unhealed torment for the abandoned spouse, cemented character dysfunction for the betrayer, or repeat behavior by adult children of a cheating parent.

Just as Ebenezer Scrooge was enlightened by the Ghost of Christmas Future, Linda pondered whether there was a way to open the eyes of the tempted or unfaithful. What if the ones involved in an affair could peer into the future and somehow see the damage they were creating, both within their own hearts and in the lives of their family members? What if they could realize how much their temporary, hormone-driven emotions were drawing them toward disaster, before leaping?

Perhaps they would look ahead, apply the brakes of reason, and choose more wisely. This possibility is what motivated Linda to write this second mini-book, with the hope to deter such persons before it is too late.

As a therapist who has specialized in helping couples and individuals recover from infidelity for 33+ years, Linda has read hundreds of books & articles on affairs and attended workshops by the best and brightest infidelity experts in the country. She has noticed that little has been written to deter the titillated yet confused wayward partner from carrying out his/her fantasy land escape into the abyss of altered character and shattered relationships. Having observed the disastrous long-term ripple effect of marital betrayal and abandonment, Linda seeks to be a reasoned voice in the wilderness of enchanted yet deluded emotions. Hence the inspiration for writing Who Will You Become?

If you or a loved one is careening down the path of a dizzying affair, don’t pass up the opportunity to read or pass along this sobering 98-page e-book – before another family is destroyed.

Note: This book includes many more spiritual references than Linda’s other book. If you are turned off by references to God or the bible, check back later. Linda is working on a “secular” version of this e-book, as she wants to help anyone who is on the brink of harming loved ones and his/her own credibility beyond repair.